查看完整版本: give me a english text how to upgrade to high level

boyyy3335 2011-8-8 10:29

No other way, only here ... dude

zy8232856 2011-8-8 22:56

I think you can use money,i have no way eles

505203167 2011-8-9 05:33


lbtr 2011-8-13 01:18

250 gold is equivalent to 250 reply. that is long way to go. hope it can be reduce.

likingshadow 2011-8-14 00:18

reply for every good post, then you will get upgraded in one day very soon.

salemmmm 2011-8-15 13:43

first of all ,learn how to upload files, that's important

bggt5 2011-8-20 23:54

Member since 2009 and I'm still level 1 :cry

krcla 2011-8-21 07:47

Reply 10楼 eroticknight's post

thanks for all the info

salemmmm 2011-8-23 00:50

forget about the coin,just enjoy here

yenyenboy 2011-9-1 12:31

bro, just patiently earn your points and coins slowly. we all doing the same.

随风行走 2011-10-5 02:17

share your good movies, then other will give you red star, then you will get scores

usagi123 2011-11-7 13:03

Only way is to reply as many as you can, my friends

Doh 2012-4-15 22:09

endless reply may help you...lol...

minker 2012-4-15 23:01

Aa others have said, replying seems to be the way to go, I had VIP (I paid when they accepted PP) but now I need to work my way back up to level 2 again :)

babyrainraid 2012-4-16 23:34

more porns,more pics,more replies.following the rules,do not do anything stupid.

vnt1 2012-4-19 02:34

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house14 2012-4-29 23:46

Thanks for sharing all these tips and tricks to the road of going higher level.

gzb161 2012-4-30 16:43

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doublej2123 2012-5-4 02:28

i would love to know this as well

qikuang 2012-5-8 13:27

this is the meaning of "灌水", of course, I am not suguesting it, but just say something everywhere you go is a good method.
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查看完整版本: give me a english text how to upgrade to high level