注意: 由于DOS,较早版本的windows 95 和windows NT 4.0 不能识别FAT32文件系统, 如果随后要安装这些操作系统,就要在光标处输入"N". 如果选择启用大硬盘支持, 就直接回车,屏幕出现主菜单: Microsoft windows 98 Fixed disk set up program Current fixed disk drive:
[1]Choose one of the following
1. create dos partition or logical dos drive 创建DOS分区
create primary dos partition current fixed disk drive:1 do you wish to use the mqximum size for a primary dos partition and make the partition active (y/n)………………………..[Y]
为了留出硬盘空间创建逻辑分区,在光标处输入"N",回车, 屏幕提示输入主DOS分区的大小。
Create primary dos partition Current fixed disk drive:1 Total disk space3 is 1998 mbytes(1 mbyte =1048576 bytes) Maximum space available for partition is 1998 mbytes (100%) Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%) to create a primary dos partition …………………..[1998] jEA
Create primary dos partition current fixed disk drive: 1 Partition status type volume label Mbytes system usage C:1 pri dos 001 unknown 40% Primary dos partition created 屏幕提示主DOS分区创建成功,按ESC键回到主菜单。 屏幕提示设置活动分区。
Fdisk options Current fixed disk drive:1 Choose one for the following; 1. create dos partition or logical dos drive
2. set active partition
3. delete partition or logical dos drive
4. display partition information
enter choice:[2]
warning! No partitions are set active disk 1is not startable unless apartition is set active
1 Partition status type volume label Mbytes system usage C:1 pri dos 801 unknown 40% Total disk space is 1998 mbyte (1Mbyte = 1048576 bytes) Enter the number of the partition you want to make active ……………………….[ ] 在光标处输入"1",回车, 屏幕提示活动分区设置成功,按ESC键盘回到创建分区子菜单。在光标处输入"2",回车, 开始创建扩展分区。
Create extended dos partition Current fixed disk drive
1 Partition status type volume label Mbytes system usage C: 1 A pri dos 801 unknown 40% Total disk space is 1998 mbyte (1Mbyte = 1048576 bytes) Maximum space available for logical drive is 1197 mbytes(100%) Enter thelogical drive size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%)…..[1197] );eP
create logical dos drive(s) in the extended dos partition drv volue label Mbytes system usage d: 600 unknown 50% total extended dos partition size is 1197 mbytes (1mbyte=1048576 bytes0 maximum space available for logical drive is 597 mbytes(50%) Enter logical drive size in Mbytes or percent of disk space(%)…[597] Logical dos drive created.drive letters changed or added?