“9·11”之后,越来越多的音乐人围绕战争与和平的宏大主题歌唱。终于,有了一位退伍军人歌手,唱自己的亲身经历以及对和平的渴求。走红的是温暖情歌《You’re Beautiful》,而专辑中压轴的却是描写满目疮痍战场的《No Bravery》。“老人下跪接受他们的命运,妻子女儿被奸杀,一代人被仇恨包围。”(Old men kneel and accept their fate.Wives and daughters cut and raped.A generation drenched in hate.)客观的描述哪怕如新闻画面,也永远不只是黑与白。詹姆仕说,这首歌是宿命的,整张专辑都是。他在《Cry》中用泪水忏悔罪行,揭开谎言。在《So Long Jimmy》中向自己的偶像吉他之神Jimmy Hendrix致敬,两人仿佛并排而座,詹姆仕问了很多问题,他仍记得反战的Jimmy在woodstock上用牙咬吉他琴弦演奏美国国歌的一幕,他甚至幽默地问Jimmy,“你真的咬了那根弦吗?”在《Wiseman》里“三位智者为自己所做的事情道歉”,在《Tears And Rain》中他要寻找痛苦中的平静,因为快乐隐藏了真相,正如王尔德笔下出卖灵魂换取青春的道林·格雷,在《Out Of My Mind》中他延伸了这种灵魂出窍的空洞感,“我不会是你的情妇,我是一个傀儡但不是娼妓,我只是需要一个被人看见的舞台。”在《Billy》中毁灭一旦造成,浪子回头已太晚,最后Billy终于接受了命运。也许《Goodbye My Lover》让你想起临行前最后的道别,《You’re Beautiful》,在地铁茫茫人海中惊鸿一瞥的美丽,渗出永远无法在一起的无奈感伤。
you are beautiful
演唱:james blunt
my life is brilliant.
my life is brilliant.
my love is pure.
i saw an angel.
of that i'm sure.
she smiled at me on the subway.
she was with another man.
but i won't lose no sleep on that,
'cause i've got a plan.
you're beautiful. you're beautiful.
you're beautiful, it's true.
i saw your face in a crowded place,
and i don't know what to do,
'cause ill never be with you.
yes, she caught my eye,
as i walked on by.
she could see from my face that i was,
flying high,
and i don't think that i'll see her again,
but we shared a moment that will last till the end.
you're beautiful. you're beautiful.
you're beautiful it's true
i saw your face in a crowded place,
and i don't know what to do,
'cause ill never be with you.
(la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, laaah)
you're beautiful. you're beautiful.
you're beautiful, it's true.
there must be an angel, with a smile on her face,
when she thought that i should be with you.
but it's time to face the truth,
i will never be with you