Estatic Fear 是一只带有浓厚中古世纪气息的奥地利歌特乐队,Estatic Fear可以说是厄运金属乐队中最低调的一支,他们将极端阴沉、忧郁的厄运金属与交响乐相结合,运用了大量正格的乐器,诸如琵琶、长笛、原音吉他等,以突出的大提琴、长笛、鲁特琴(lute,古典吉他的前身,而鲁特琴的运用对于金属乐而言也几乎是前所未见吧!)及钢琴的柔情表现为主,特别是大提琴和长笛相当重份量的演出,也使其地方性的民族情怀更浓,他们做出的音乐是无与伦比的。
Chapter I
The feeble leafs decline,
Enshrined in downing deep
The mourn abandoned plains,
Laid down in sombre sleep
Misty shades engulf the sky
Like past, worn memories
The bird's song fills the whispering breeze
With autumns melody
The lunar pale grim shape
At evening's sight renews
It's silented wail relieves
Repressed thoughts anew
I hear the lonesome choir
Of fortunes past my way
Disdained in fiery weeps
Throughout my every day
These skies I hail and treasure thee,
Most pleasant misery
Not pittes thorn I shelter thine
Mysterious harmony
Draw on most pleasant night
Shade my lorn exposed sight
For my grief's when shadows told
Shall be eased in mist enfold
Why should the foolish's hope
Thy unborn passioned cry
Exhaust unheard
Beneath this pleasent sky?
For if the dusking day declined
Could delight be far behind?