标题: [悬疑] 猛男誕生記 DVD [打印本页] 作者: stanleywong1027 时间: 2008-8-5 05:15 标题: 猛男誕生記 DVD
產品名稱: A Tale of Legendary Libido (DVD)
藝人名稱: Bong Tae Gyu | Shin Han Sol
區碼: 3 - 東南亞
推出日期: 2008-07-11
語言: 韓語
字幕: 中文, 韓文, 英文
製作來源地: 南韓
影碟格式: DVD
被喻為韓國古裝版《凸務之王》,2008年古裝版的《A Tale of Legendary Libido》(Garujigi)繼《我班friend好搞野》和《夢精記》等又一大搞性解放的性喜劇。新銳導演申漢秀繼首部電影《Art Of Fighting》後,把《上錯校園落錯堂》新一代笑匠奉泰奎塑造為朝鮮古代文學作品廣為人知、充滿男子氣概又強壯的人物卞剛鎖的性慾版本,以獨特情色的故事情節,加上眾多個性派演員參演,令此片瞬間成為了熱話。
at last the movie i have been waiting is finally out , after watching the demo show , i just got stuck with it , thanks alot for yr hard work , can 't wait to watch the whole movie now , hope that got alot of seeder 作者: speaker 时间: 2008-8-5 23:28
t last the movie i have been waiting is finally out , after watching the demo show , i just got stuck with it , thanks alot for yr hard work , can 't wait to watch the whole movie now , hope that got alot of seeder 作者: 正在登录... 时间: 2010-8-22 21:59