Ban to Visit(禁访)
纽西兰出生,澳洲长大的Keith Urban有着十分抢眼的外表,除了过人的音乐才华广受各大音乐媒体推荐,他出色的外表占据了不少杂志封面,时人杂志[最性感的男人]的票选活动Keith Urban也名列其中。很显然的,Keith Urban并未迷失知利的漩涡里,借着《BE HERE》他对自已进行更深一屋的反省和剖析,这张专辑记录了他对生命的热情,对爱情的体会,还有独自对抗内心冲突的痕迹。专辑一开始是轻快且充满活力第一波主打Days Go By接下来几首跟着节奏摆动的轻快作品,而tonight wanna cry the hard way 和NOBODY DNIKS能够征服广大乐迷的原因,仿佛是个多年的好朋友,有时带着唱着不被除数了解的心酸,擦眼泪后却又传达着正面积极的人生观。《BE HERE》一推出即空降美国告示牌(billboard)乡村专辑榜冠军,同时也在流行榜拿下第三名的佳绩。 注意西洋音乐走向的人,对Keith Urban这个才貌双全的歌手肯定有陌生,第三十六届音乐学院奖ACM年度新进男歌手奖得主便是Keith Urban,2002年推出第二张叫座的专辑Golden Road后,他累计共拥有四首冠军单曲,八首打入TOP 5的热门作品,这个万夫莫敌的气势冲破2003年,当年度乡村电台点播率最高的艺人也是Keith Urban,凭着一曲Rollercoaster他入围莱美奖的[最佳乡村演奏],绝佳的吉它弹奏技巧让多知名歌手,(RICHARD Marx Dixis Chichs和Garth Brooks……等等)纷纷提出合作的邀请。以上这些出色的成绩,不过是他在美国市场发行了两张个人专辑后的短短几年内便达成。 lyrics: Alone in this house again tonight i got the tv on, the sound turned down and a bottle of wine there s pictures of you and i on the walls around me the way that it was and could have been surrounds me i ll never get over you walkin away i ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings show and i thought that bein strong meant never losin your self control but i m just drunk enough to let go of my pain to hell with my pride let it fall like rain from my eyes tonight i wanna cry would it help if i turned a sad song on all by myself would sure hit me hard now that you re gone or maybe unfold some old yellow lost love letters it s gonna hurt bad before it gets better but i ll never get over you by hidin this way cause i ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings show and i thought that bein strong meant never losin your self control but i m just drunk enough to let go of my pain to hell with my pride let it fall like rain from my eyes tonight i wanna cry i ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings show and i thought that bein strong meant never losin your self control but i m just drunk enough to let go of my pain to hell with this pride let it fall like rain from my eyes tonight i wanna cry 今夜又独自一人在家 我开着电视,那无关痛痒的声音以及瓶酒 还有那贴满四壁我俩的相片 就这样它溢上了我的心头 我永远都无法忘记离我而去的你 我从未曾有过这样的感情流露 而我想,这是如此的强烈只意味着没有了你的关注 可我只愿喝醉而能从痛楚中走出来 只愿我那苦楚的自尊像飘零的雨水那般,从我的眼中剥落 今夜我只愿哭泣 是否播一首伤感的歌会有些帮助 “all by myself ”真的刺痛了我,就像此刻离我而去的你 也或许展开那些已泛黄残破的情书 在渐渐复原前它却痛得更深 可却永远都不会用忘记你这方式来隐藏 我从未曾有过这样的感情流露 而我想,这是如此的强烈只意味着没有了你的关注 可我只愿喝醉而能从痛楚中走出来 只愿我那苦楚的自尊像飘零的雨水那般,从我的眼中剥落 今夜我只愿哭泣 我从未曾有过这样的感情流露 而我想,这是如此的强烈只意味着没有了你的关注 可我只愿喝醉而能从痛楚中走出来 只愿我那苦楚的自尊像飘零的雨水那般,从我的眼中剥落 今夜我只愿哭泣 ============================== 下载地址: ... ght_I_Wanna_Cry.mp3